Digital Marketing Concepts




Identify a viable market: A group of people with a common problem that you can solve. This is your audience.

Get a deep understanding of that audience. Learn about their specific challenges. Become an expert of this audience.

The goal of this stage is to find a market that is just the right size, not too big, not too small.

And use your understanding of that market to identify and structure an irresistible offer that can solve those challenges.

When done right, your audience will feel that you are reading their minds.

These are the tools that you need in this phase:

Market Discovery and Competitor Analysis Tools
These tools are indispensable for finding out exactly what to build or sell. They also help you to ‘read their minds’ by identifying the language that your market uses to describe their challenges.
SEO & Analytics Tools
A guide to help you discover the best tools that help you rank high on Search Engines.
Online Survey Tools
A guide to help you discover the best online survey platforms.




Get attention: Create awareness so the market (i.e. audience) that you identified can find you and learn about what you have to offer.

‘Awareness’ is any activity that makes an offer visible to an audience.

And to succeed online, a business needs to make a particular segment of the market (that needs what the business has to offer) discover and get to know more about those offers.

The goal of this phase is to generate traffic to your online offer, website, landing page or funnel.

These are the tools that you need in this phase:

Social Media Automation Tools
A guide to help you discover the best social media automation tools.
Paid Traffic Tools
A guide to help you discover the best tools that can help you launch, monitor and scale your paid traffic campaigns.
AI Content Writing Tools
A guide to help you discover the best content writing tools that make your writing stand out like a professional copywriter.
SEO Optimization Content Writing Tools
A guide to help you discover the best SEO content writing tools to drive traffic to your posts and rank higher on search engines.
Content Sharing Tools
A guide to help you discover the best content sharing tools to get more eyeballs on your web content.




Sustain attention: Get the market to engage with your content (comment on your posts, respond to your emails, ask questions, join your challenge, take your quiz, visit your website, and opt in to receive more of your content).

The goal of this phase is to generate qualified leads (an email list of people who WANT to hear more from you).

These are the tools that you need in this phase:

Online Quiz Tools
Quizes are the best form of engagement and lead generation. This guide will help you discover the best platforms to build your online quiz.
Landing Page Tools
A guide to help you discover the best landing page building platforms.
Chatbot Tools
A guide to help you discover the best chatbot tools to automate your marketing and improve your opt-in rates.




Monetize attention: Once you’ve generated qualified leads into your business you need to convert those leads into paying customers.

A business that has awareness and leads but doesn’t have a way to convert those leads into paying customers is nothing more than vanity.

Your goal is to build an infrastructure that can consistently and reliably convert leads into paying customers.

And in terms of effectiveness, webinars, online workshops and email remain to be the best methods for converting leads into paying customers.

These are the tools that you need in this phase:

Funnel Mapping Tools
A guide to help you discover the best funnel mapping and building platforms.
Funnel Building Tools
A guide to help you discover the best funnel builders.
Webinar Tools
A guide to help you discover the best webinar tools for your online business.
Email Marketing Tools
A guide to help you discover the best email marketing tools.
Video Marketing Tools
A guide to help you discover the best video marketing tools.
Shopping Cart Tools
A guide to help you discover the best tools to deliver and sell digital products online.


Offer Creation and Delivery


Fulfillment: Effective Delivery represents the capacity of making your customers get results from whatever it is you have to offer them.

Examples include:

  • Consuming your content…
  • Completing your course…
  • Implementing your system…
  • Taking action…

The goal is to build an infrastructure that empowers your customers to obtain results.

To succeed online, it is imperative to deliver your content to your customers using “Personalization”. Showing customized content to each one of your customers based on what they specifically need.

This enabling technology is called “Client Portals” and it’s the foundation of building an effective content ‘Delivery Engine’.

These are the tools that you need in this phase:

Client Portals
A guide to help you discover the best client portals platforms to deliver customized and unique content to each one of your clients.
Digital Course Platforms
A guide to help you discover the best digital course platforms.
Membership Platforms
A guide to help you discover the best online membership platforms.
Video Conferencing Tools
A guide to help you discover the best video conferencing platforms.
Video Editing Tools
A guide to help you discover the best online video editing tools.
Video Hosting Platforms
A guide to help you discover the best video hosting tools.
Online Graphic Design Tools
A guide to help you discover the best online graphic design tools.




Growth Hacking Tools
A guide to help you discover the best growth hacking tools.