Membership Platform Resource List

It’s a lot easier and more engaging to build and monetize a membership site than an online course. It’s the fastest way to launch an online business.

Everything you need to build a membership site in one platform.
Tribe is a complete, standalone solution with embeddable widgets, powerful apps, and integrations that help you create and moderate a flourishing online community.
Mighty Networks
Go live, host events, offer courses, spark conversations, highlight successes, master something new, together—all on a platform your members will love.
Alternative to Tribe, is a fully gamified online community platform, built to keep users engaged.
Searchie is a membership platform based on video. If Video is your thing, go with Searchie.
Build directories and recurring payment membership sites. This is a very mature software product that works out of the box.
This one is a bit techy but works extremely well for any website or web application.
Wishlist Member
WordPress plugin for building membership sites. It transfers any WP website into a membership site by adding a private member area with a payment gateway.
An enterprise Level Membership Plugin for WordPress. Manage members. Protect content. Sell products. You can use it to build academies on on top of an existing WordPress site and connect to payment processors.

PS: If you need help in implementing a tech tool or an automation in your business, I have a limited number of spots for helping business owners with their tech implementations. Click the button below to let me know what you need and I’ll follow up with next steps:

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