Full Review – Voila: The AI Powered Browser Assistant

As a seasoned software developer, I had the opportunity to review Voila, an AI-powered browser assistant that aims to boost online productivity. After thoroughly testing the tool, I’m excited to share my insights on this AI-powered browser assistant, which promises to improve our web interactions.

What Sets Voila Apart?

Voila’s elegance lies in its simplicity and power. As a browser extension, it seamlessly integrates into your workflow, working flawlessly across almost any website. Its key features include the ability to craft emails, create comprehensive content across various domains, fix spelling and grammar, translate text, and much more, all through a simple keyboard shortcut.

Voila - AI Browser Assistant

Voila – View of the browser extension pop up widget.

User Experience

From the get-go, Voila impresses with its fast, user-friendly interface. Installation is a breeze, leading you to an intuitive onboarding process. Despite its broad capabilities, Voila maintains an uncluttered approach, focusing on delivering performance without overwhelming its users.


Speed and Accessibility: Voila is very fast and accessible, providing an uninterrupted experience across numerous websites.

Content Generation: Whether it’s drafting blog posts, translating languages, or generating domain-specific documents, Voila’s output is both impressive and reliable.

Areas for Improvement

While Voila shines in many areas, I experienced some limitations:

It does not work with Google Docs. At the time of testing, I was unable to open the assistant within Google Docs, which could hinder those who rely heavily on this platform for their writing. This should have been resolved by now but it’s better to check with the creators before buying.

The absence of personalized experiences, as the AI does not yet recognize user identities or preferences.

The need for better usage tracking and history of past interactions to enhance user convenience.

Final Thoughts

Despite these minor shortcomings, Voila stands out in the category of online productivity. Its ability to work across a vast array of websites, combined with its simple yet powerful interface, makes it a valuable asset for anyone looking to enhance their digital workflow.

For users like myself who have been relying on tools like Notion AI, Voila presents a compelling alternative that can be seamlessly integrated into my workflows. I highly recommend Voila as a valuable addition to any productivity stack. Whether for crafting emails, generating content, or simply navigating the web more efficiently, Voila will deliver reliable results.


Check out my AI Content Writing Guide. A guide to help you discover my recommended AI content writing tools for improving productivity.