You’re a business owner.
You want to drive traffic to your business and you want to make sales.
And in your niche market, you can easily use offline methods to get the attention of your potential customers through yellow pages, industry-specific magazine, radio and TV ads.
Offline methods are great. They give you a lot of exposure, but they are expensive and their results are hard to track.
You decide to build a website instead.
You spend a fair amount of money and effort on your website and now it looks great.
It’s got fantastic pictures. It tells people who you are. It explains what you do. And best of all, it makes it very easy for people to find you on Google maps and contact you both via phone or email.
And now people are visiting your website because you are taking advantage of all the ways to bring traffic to your website:
You’re smart and didn’t just rely on SEO which takes a lot of time to get results.
You used more reliable methods to get traffic:
- Online Ads (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc).
- Content Marketing (Social Media, Blogging, YouTube and Podcasting).
You start to see some results. Traffic is coming to your website.
But this traffic is still not converting into sales.
What’s going on?
All those people will come to your website, check what you’re about and whether you can actually help them.
They are not ready to buy anything from you yet. They’re going to do the research themselves first before they take any action.
That’s exactly what happens with most purchase decisions today. You are being compared to every one of your competitors before anyone buys from you.
Customers will literally click the back button and check out your next competitor.
Potential customers will not buy when they land on your site. They will do their research online first, and that’s where your website has to do MOST of the job.
But unfortunately, right now, this is where most websites are lacking.
What is the missing component?
The feedback loop.
Which translates to following up with the traffic that comes to your website, informing them in-depth about your products and services, and sending them offers and proposals and automating this process as much as possible.
If you do that correctly, some of them will convert and become customers.
If you improve your feedback loop, you improve everything.
To Summarize
There are three major components to building successful business websites:
- Building systems to drive traffic to the website.
- Capturing the contact information of as many of those visitors as possible.
- Building feedback loops for following up with those leads and converting them into customers.
In upcoming posts, I will be talking a lot about each one of those stages and how to implement it.
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