Tools For Client Proposals

What They Do

Client proposals tools are great if you’re in the freelancing and consulting world. They are more than just proposal editors, they also provide a way to follow up with the different stages of closing a deal with the client and also accept payments.

How They Fit In Your Online Business

These tools fit in 1 stage of your end-to-end online business.

  • Offer Stage: You can use client proposals tools as a way to differentiate yourself in your niche by offering something to your clients that no one else is offering. It will help you close clients faster, especially if you’re not good at selling.

Why I Like Client Proposal Tools

They make you look really good with your clients, they separate you from your competition and they have templates and features that actually help you with the selling process until you close your client.

If I had to pick only one tool in this category:

Better Proposals
My vote goes to Better Proposals. It lets you create and manage proposals and has some great templates that save you a lot of time.

More client proposal tools to check…

  • Plutio
    Plutio is a Client Portal tool that also comes with end-to-end project management that includes proposals. Weak on the side of the templates.
  • Nusii
    Proposals tool. Also includes great templates that can be edited fast.

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