The Best Chatbots Tools in 2024

These tools have so many uses. But the most prominent is that they allow you to capture leads on your site while you sleep. They also help you talk to your customers in real-time and understand what they want better. Not to mention that they can be used for all kinds of customer support issues especially when you are not online. The chatbot will simply capture your customer’s question so you can answer it later when you have time.

Conversion rates (e.g. It’s hard to ignore a Facebook message). It has been proven that conversion rates of bots are much higher than email (A recent figure I’ve seen is open rates of 70% v.s. 3% to that of email).

Give your visitors instant answers and amazing customer support with a custom ChatGPT chatbot trained on your website content.
Custom ChatGPT for your website. Just upload a document or add a link to your website and get a ChatGPT-like chatbot that can answer any question on it. Then add a chat widget to your website.
ChatABC is a better ChatGPT with features like team collaboration, prompt library, never-down service and so much more. More than ChatGPT, ChatABC has a suite of powerful features like search web, teams collaboration, prompt library, and so much more.
My vote goes to Active Chat. A Powerful and flexible bot builder with Natural Language Processing (NLP) abilities. Includes LiveChat and FB messenger bots.ActiveChat also lets you build your own ChatGPT, trained and fine-tuned on your custom data and accessible from your website.
Instantly answer your visitors’ questions with a personalized chatbot trained on your website content.
Save hours of searching and reading, with instant answers, from your reports, documents, blogs, books, etc. Add your content, create your own ChatGPT, add it to your website. MyAskAi makes it simple and fast.
Build AI Chatbots from your content. You can creating a chatbot from a website link in seconds, and then embedding it on any site. Or create a chatbot from private Notion, Confluence, and Quip wikis using the ChatShape Chrome extension.
Build a fully customizable and white branded chatbot that can be installed on your website, Facebook page or Whatsapp. It’s probably one of the easiest to use with the most advanced options. I was able to do so much without even looking at the documentation. It is that intuitive.
Automate your business without coding. Collect leads, Drive sales & engaged prospects through Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Google Business Messenger, SMS, Voice, Slack, Telegram, Wechat, etc.
Visual bot builder for websites (FB messenger bots available soon).
Reach and communicate with your website visitors through a live chat widget.
LiveChat is a complete customer service platform that lets you communicate with your customers in real-time.
FB messenger visual bot builder and marketing platform.
Automate selling on social media via FB bots.
Paldesk is a powerful live chat and helpdesk software that helps businesses offer superior customer service to visitors through multiple channels. The most popular ones include Webchat, Mobile Applications (SDK), Email, Facebook, Twitter, Viber. Built on top of a robust customer helpdesk and ticketing software, Paldesk integrates with your most popular customer communication channels.

PS: If you need help in implementing a tech tool or an automation in your business, I have a limited number of spots for helping business owners with their tech implementations. Click the button below to let me know what you need and I’ll follow up with next steps:

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